Upcoming shows!!!
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Wednesday 4th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Friday 6th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Venue @ Aquila in Second Life
Saturday 7th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Wednesday 11th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Friday 13th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Saturday 14th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Wednesday 18th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Friday 20th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Venue @ Aquila in Second Life
Saturday 21st December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Monday 23rd December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Friday 27th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Saturday 28th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
Mystery Bandstand @ Crescent in Second Life
Monday 30th December 9 PM GMT (1PM SL Time)
See you there!

     It's free to attend and also free to join Second Life. If it's your first time, I'd suggest that you register online a couple of hours before the show so you can get to grips with the controls (essential if you're not a gamer). If you're used to computer games, dive on in, the SLURL link will log you in right outside the venue.

Remember, you don't have to join Second Life to enjoy our shows if you can't log in. Just tune into our internet radio stream at We always webcast our shows.