The Invisible Band! live at the Clarendon Hotel, Hammersmith, 30th May 1985. Nina Watson on Bass, Julia Fulcher singing, myself playing guitar and John Dent on drums in the background. The Clarendon Hotel and its' Broadway club is long gone. It was in the central island in Hammersmith next to the tube station and has since been demolished to make way for a super shopping arcade and office complex.

| Julia gets into some serious headbanging as Nina looks off into the distance. A great performance from Julia, Nina and John that evening!

| Here we are at The Crypt, Deptford 13th September, 1985. These photos by Grob Robinson, then of Urban Guerilla, later of Sonic Relief promotions. First up is a shot of John with a view of his ever-expanding drumkit. More drums and cymbals than you could shake a stick at!
Next up is a wierd photo of Nina dressed up a vampire in a blue wedding dress. Nina had a knack for the bizzarre and outrageous. Our gigs were an obvious opportunity to get into some wacky gear.
Then we have Julia singing intensely with Nina in the background and John in the shadows.
Lastly is a photo of myself looking boringly sensible in my stripey jacket.

| The Invisible Band! live at the Greyhound, Fulham Palace Rd., on Hiroshima Day, 6th August 1985. This was a short notice gig. I got a phone call at 10:00am that morning asking if we could stand in for a band that had cancelled. We did the gig, but hardly got anything for it. Yes, that's Nina again in another of her wedding outfits! You had to ready for the unexpected with her!

| Live at the King's Head, Fulham 7th May 1985 in black'n'white and colour! This was the first show we did together after Daniel was born. We had no idea how long it would take Julia to feel up to singing once Daniel was born. Julia put in a great performance and we did a great show.

| Jamming at Tent City, Clapham Common 28th July 1985. An easy afternoon, we set up our generator round the back of their tent, played a few songs and then jammed free-form for a few hours. Nice :)