In 2005, I blundered into the wierd and wonderful virtual world of Second Life. Along the way I mutated into a dragon, met a host of extremely creative people and rediscovered myself as a musician. In all, a great experience that has opened a whole new chapter of my life.
 After an initial year of misadventures, I started doing live music performances in Second Life. Starting out as a solo performer, my act has evolved to a virtual band and allowed me to experiment with stage design as well!
Not being particularly photogenic, I never kept much of a photographic record of my shows. The photos I have aren't all that great but give you an idea of the road I've traveled. And so, with no further ado, here is a brief pictorial history.

My first Second Life show in May 2006 hosted by Slim Warrior at her music-themed sim, Menorca. She approached me to do a show in April 2006. It would be another month before I was ready and rehearsed to actually get out in front of an audience. At the time I hadn't played anything for a few years and was in a terrible trough of despondency. What followed turned my life around and got my mojo going again. Thank you Slim!
The sound quality was terrible as I was streaming the sound directly from my home to everyone in the audience. I had so much to learn about webcasting live music.

Here's a photo of a show I did in November 2006 at my place at Serenity Woods, a region I helped to build in Second Life. At this point I was still perfoming on my own but that was soon to change.

All change! I am joined by WallaSan Grommet on Bass and Wootjan-Oo on drums in 2007. They have become mainstays of the band and contributed immensely to improving our sound and material. We're photographed here on one of my early stages.

WallaSan Grommet, our cosmonaut bassist joins us here on our Treehouse Stage in Eson, Second Life. Her melodic and moving technique have filled out our sound immensely.

Say hello to our drummer, Wootjan-Oo, the bird with the beat! He's a bit of a trekkie and loves his music.

Here I am weebling away on the keyboards during a rehearsal at our Treehouse Stage with my talons and horns casting a purple glow onto my surroundings.

Wootjan-Oo, WallaSan and myself photographed during a rehearsal session at our Treehouse Stage.

Here we are posing in front of our Ice Palace Stage. This marked an end of an era for us in Second Life we had half a sim from April 2007 until January 2008. So we rebuilt the adjacent sim as a fantasy Ice World and put on a spectacular show to bow out in style.

WallaSan looking very imposing in her Wakemanesque Ice-Queen cape. She played brilliantly too!

Wootjan-Oo seems to have a cloud of ice-mist around his head as he nails down the beat on his Ice Drums.

Myself, Alazarin, strangling my Ice Guitar during one of the shows on our Ice Palace Stage.

A night time view out across the Ice Palace Stage showing the Ice Towers in the distance.

Playing a light-night show at Hexx & Jasmn's trippy Rastafairy Beach. Hexx Triskadekaphobia also had her own unique spacey dub reggae show and did many live performances in SL.

Alazarin, Wootjan-Oo and WallaSan goofing around while posing for the album cover of alt.prog.rock.

2008 saw us moving away from our home at Pony Bay and our final blow-out gig with the Ice Palace stage. Here we are with our new rotating music box stage.

Wootjan-Oo riding around on the stage while making short work of his drumkit. He's the bird with the beat.... who never misses a beat.

WallaSan looking very serious while playing her bass. She's a fun, wild critter but you'd never guess it.

And somehow Alazarin seems to be staring off into the distance while remembembering what to play next.
