By 2016 we were live streaming our shows to our YouTube channel and it took a while to get the wrinkles ironed out. We now live stream our shows to both YouTube and Facebook so that people who are unable to join us in Second Life can enjoy our shows.

Here we are at the Second Life SciFi Expo 2016. That's our friend, the green alien tentacle monster, climbing over the back of the stage.

Alien Sun gets serious with her synthesisers. We're playing at her space station in Second Life.

Wallasan Grommet lays down a carpet of space bass with a nebula in the background.

Wootjan-Oo lays down the beat from behind his metal drums.

The band plays on while the galaxy drifts past the window behind the stage.

Alazarin Mobius and Wallasan Grommet on the UFO Stage in 2016.

Wootjan-Oo on the UFO Stage in 2016.

Wootjan-Oo, Wallasan Grommet and Alien Sun on the UFO Stage in 2016.

The tentacle monster dancing along with the band aboard the UFO in 2016.

Wallasan Grommet at SL SciFi Convention 2017.

Alazarin Mobius at SL SciFi Convention 2017.

Wootjan-Oo at SL SciFi Convention 2017.

Alien Sun at SL SciFi Convention 2017.

This was our stage at the Second Life 10th SciFi Convention in 2017.

Cakes Kipling, the energizer bunny girl, joins us on drums while Wootjan-Oo leaves us to visit his homeworld.

Wallasan Grommet commands the Space Egg stage.

Alien Sun working her sonic magic.

Alazarin gets carried away on the guitar.

Here's the band playing on the Space Egg stage in 2017.

Here we are posing front of the Ultama Stage in 2018.

Alazarin Mobius at the Tower Stage in 2019.

Alien Sun at the Tower Stage in 2019.

Cakes Kipling at the Tower Stage in 2019.

Wallasan Grommet and Alien Sun at the Tower Stage in 2019.

Alazarin, Wallasan and Alien at the Tower Stage in 2019.

The full band playing on the Tower Stage in 2019.
