The other day I was wondering "What's happened to all the hippies and all the music I know and love?" when it dawned on me that no-one's gone anywhere, just that the wheels of fashion and lifestyle have turned a bit. Here in the wacky world of music you find people thundering the deepest of profundities about the most frivolous and superficial aspects of life. Where's it gone? Nowhere, it's still all here, you just have to look a little harder, that's all.
Disco-folkie, disco-folkie, really boring, I can't stand it, Corp-rat kultcha, corp-rat kultcha, really boring, I don't want it, No more thinking, obey orders, make your owners even richer, Forget your own thing, we can't sell it, Get on the bandwagon and you'll make it, Or else we'll break you and say you fake it, No escaping, we've got you covered. Disco-folkie, disco-folkie, really boring, I can't stand it, Corp-rat kultcha, corp-rat kultcha, really boring, I don't want it, Makes me wish I'd never heard of music, It's lost it's meaning from too much hassle, It's even worse than being in the army, You've got no freedom and no escaping, Because you're tied up in contractual red tape. On and on ad nauseam... repeat and/or adlib until hoarse or comatose, whichever comes first. By this point, our heavenly (sic) choir will have lost track of the original lyrics and begin degenerating into a variety of divided camps. Those who mumble something that follows the original tune in the vain hope that someone else has remembered the lyrics, those who don't care and have already started making up their own bawdily obscene lyrics, those who stopped attempting to sing and settle for a beer, a joint or whatever and those who amuse themselves by throwing beercans at everyone else. In all, a perfect excuse for being somewhere else doing something creative. ![]()