In all probability the first saucer scientists were rocket scientists. Without a doubt one of these great men was the pioneering rocket scientist, Professor Hermann Oberth. Oberth was a writer, scientist, and visionary from Rumania whose paper, The Rocket Into Interplanetary Space, was published in 1923 and served as an inspiration to the rocket designers that followed. Werner von Braun read Oberth's work in 1925 and joined him in rocket experiments in 1930. In letters to Donald Keyhoe (1), Oberth mentions his belief that saucers are spaceships manned by superior beings. He says that the marvelous aerodynamics of the saucers is accomplished by generating an artificial gravity field. This is the famous G-field theory. The saucers create their own gravitational fields which enables them to hover motionless above the earth, accelerate at tremendous speeds, or execute violent turns that would cause ordinary aircraft to disintegrate. Even with swift changes of speed and direction, the passengers would feel no effect. It would also explain the silence of UFOs in flight as the artificial G-field would drag the surrounding air along with it. And, because the air is not flowing pass the hull, it would eliminate heating caused by friction. Statements have been made that saucer behavior defies the laws of physics. It seemed impossible that a manned craft could execute such tremendous accelerations from a hovering position to a high-speed linear velocity or in high-speed acute-angled turns. Inertial forces caused by such accelerations would tear apart an aircraft frame. And, often, the picture came to mind of a human pilot ending up flat as a pancake against the cabin wall. Gerald Heard, in his book Is Another World Watching?, hypothesized that the saucers were being flown by insects because only insects could survive those wrenching turns. All of these concerns evaporate when one considers the physics of G-field propulsion. In a revealing document published in Status Report VII by the late pioneering researcher Leonard Stringfield, a preliminary report refers to a recovered flying disc. The report does not specifically mention Roswell, but states that the data in the report was provided by the engineering staff of T-2 at the Air Material Command at Wright Field. One of the scientist examining the evidence is Dr. Theodore von Karmen, founder of Aerojet, and then head of the Army Air Forces Scientific Advisory Group. Dr. von Karmen was a leading authority on aerodynamics and had authored papers, both in English and German on the subject. Another renowned scientist mentioned in the report is Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, Director of the Manhattan Project and a leading physicist of his day. In the opinion of these two famous scientists the interior of the craft contained a compartment with an atomic engine. The device was a donut-shaped tube approximately thirty-five feet in diameter, made of what appeared to be plastic material around a central core. A large rod centered inside the tube was wrapped in a coil and the investigators believed it to be the source of electrical potential which ionized the surrounding air around the craft.(2) There will be questions and doubts about this document, but the recurring theme behind the exotic propulsion found in these craft is found again and again. The relation between high electrical potentials and gravity was the object of scientific research and classified studies conducted by aircraft companies in the fifties. In fact, the coming age of anti-gravity was mentioned in popular magazines of the fifties, and yet little is known about what developed from this research. An experimenter by the name of George S. Piggot conducted some amazing experiments in 1904. He made use of an apparatus that had a rotating spherical electrode mounted on a stand. He was able to suspend, against gravity, small metal balls by means of a strong electric field. Extending for about .5 cm. around the perimeter of the objects there was a mysterious dark band. Such dark bands and dark spots have been observed on UFOs. He also succeeded in suspending nonmetallic objects such as cork and wood. These objects would oscillate up and down around the center of the field. An improved Wimshurst generator supplied the spherical electrode with approximately 500, 000 volts of potential. Dr. Francis Nipher, once professor of physics at Washington University, St. Louis performed a modification of the Cavendish experiment in 1916. Nipher used a one-inch lead ball suspended with an untwisted silk thread approximately 180 cm. long and centered inside a 5-inch-square box or Faraday Shield. He placed an insulated 10-inch-diameter lead sphere next to the iron box. A copper wire connected the large sphere to the metal box to keep them at the same potential. When the large sphere was electrified using a high-voltage influence generator, the normal attraction of gravity between the two spheres was reversed and the small suspended sphere was repelled from the larger by about twice the deflection caused by gravity. Reversing the polarity did not alter the effect. Nipher thought that the gravitation force was reduced by the electrical potential applied to a mass. In a letter to researcher William Steinman, Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher who was with the Washington Institute of Technology, confirms that some of the scientists involved in the study of recovered flying discs were Dr. Vannever Bush, John von Neumann, and Dr. Robert Oppenheimer. (3) Steinman also discovered that one of the scientists working on saucer technology from the early days was Dr. Eric Henry Wang who became Director of the Department of Special Studies, within the Structures Division, of the old Wright Air Development Center, near Dayton, Ohio. Another significant scientist and UFO researcher from the early era was T. Townsend Brown who conducted experiments with suspended charged capacitors which exhibited anti-gravity effects. When the capacitor was charged, it exhibited a forward thrust towards the positive pole. When the capacitor was mounted vertically on a beam balance, the positive-pole vectored thrust lifted the capacitor. This did not involve the expulsion of charged particles to produce thrust as in an ion rocket. Brown felt he discovered the principle of electro-gravitation. Agnew H. Banson Jr. was another inventor who studied saucers and experimented with electro-gravitation. He patented an electrical thrust-producing device in 1966. Lieutenant Plantier of the French Air Force was another scientist who theorized about saucer technology in the early era. Like Oberth, he attributed saucer dynamics to the generation of a gravity field around the craft. He also stated that the machine would carry the air around the craft. It could withstand enormous accelerations because every atom of the passengers and craft are uniformly accelerated without inertial lag. We have grown accustomed to inertial acceleration and lag in our own ground and air transport. We experience that acceleration after a time lag, the time it takes for the thrust to reach our bodies. In a saucer, thrust is instantaneous and is applied to all objects within the field at the same time. The earth itself is experiencing angular acceleration in its solar orbit, yet we do not feel these minute changes in velocity as we are all embedded within the solar gravitational field. The Department of Defense was not ignoring these ideas, but was more intent on turning theory into practice. In June, 1957 G. Harry Stine wrote for Mechanix Illustrated magazine that "there is a good chance that the rocket will be obsolete for space travel within 50 years". This was at a time when the multi-stage rockets were being fired from White Sands Army Proving Grounds in New Mexico. Though Werner von Braun saw the multi-stage rocket as a solution to space travel, able to boost a payload beyond the pull of earth's gravity, the DOD had other purposes in mind. The rocket was the dream of the future, and yet Stine was predicting its obsolescence. That was because he was aware of T.T. Brown's work on electro-gravity and the DOD contractors that were working on anti-gravity -- the Glenn L. Martin Company, Bell Aircraft, General Electric, and Sperry-Rand just to name a few. In July, 1957 another article appeared in the same magazine. This one written by Michael Gladych. He begins by describing the following: "The spherical craft squatting on a concrete strip emitted a faint hum. A ghostly glow surrounded its shell. The strange craft rose and hovered momentarily while its landing gear retracted. Then the hum increased and the craft shot eastward and vanished beyond the horizon before the witnessing scientists could click their stop watches." Sounds like a typical UFO sighting, but he goes on to say that the Canadian government's Project Magnet had been working on a gravity-defying vehicle powered by electromagnetic forces. He also states that at least 14 United States universities and other research centers were hard at work cracking the gravity barrier and also mentions the Glen L. Martin Company and Bell Aircraft as well as others. Even the late Lawrence D. Bell said that they were on the threshold of amazing new concepts (beyond the Bell research rocket planes) . Bell said, "We are already working with nuclear fuels and equipment to cancel out gravity instead of fighting it." This article concludes by saying, "Make no mistake about it, anti-gravity motors and G-ships are coming." And, we are still waiting! Or, have we developed anti-gravity spacecraft in secret? Donald Keyhoe looked into this possibility and found that our government had set up 46 different research projects on various aspects of gravity control. The Air Force ran 33 of those projects. Experiments and research were conducted at two Air Force laboratories: Flight Dynamics and General Physics Research. Other labs involved were RCA, MIT and several engineering centers. A large number of corporations were involved in gravity research of the fifties: Bell Aerospace, General Electric, Hughes Aircraft, Boeing, Douglas and others. There were at least 65 to 70 projects going on. Dr. Oberth believed that "energy, inertia, and gravitational fields are only aspects of one and the same thing". William P. Lear agreed with him and predicted that future U.S. vehicles will also use artificial gravity. He said, "people on board would probably not feel any more effect than they do from the tremendous speed of the Earth as it rotates and orbits the sun." It is certain that Lear's son, John, is prepared to fly such a craft. Years ago, Glenn Martin's vice-president of advanced design, G.S. Trimble, predicted that by 1985 practically all airliners would be using artificial gravity, yet the 1995 debut of Boeing's most advanced jetliner, the 777, still uses turbojet propulsion. One of the leading physicists of the German Institute of Field Physics at Goettingen, Germany, Dr. Burkhard Heim had been searching for the answer to the riddle of gravity. He said that he had discovered a positive lead to antigravity. The discovery involved an intermediate field, neither electromagnetic nor gravitational. The results, applied to space flight, would be direct levitation, conversion of electricity into kinetic energy without any waste, and "immunizing the occupants and the structures of such vehicles against any effects from acceleration of the vehicle, however great or violent." The Martin subsidiary that investigated gravity control was RIAS Inc. Now, the Glenn Martin Company through a series of evolutionary mergers has absorbed GE Aerospace and merged with Lockheed to become the Martin-Lockheed Company, a company known to be in the forefront of classified aerospace craft. In a book entitled Spacepower (1958), fusion, photon, and anti-gravity propulsion techniques were considered to be accomplished facts beyond 1990. If they are secret accomplished facts, why are we still flying that flaming torch called the STS? Was Project Outgrowth a secret Air Force project that attempted to utilize the knowledge gained in field propulsion research? Twenty-eight members of the Air Force Systems Command at Edward's Air Force Base published a technical report dated June, 1972 that covered such categories as: electrostatics effects, Alfven wave propulsion, electromagnetic spacecraft propulsion, superconducting particle accelerators, and anti-gravity propulsion. The Air Force Systems Command also has a presence at Groom Lake in Area 51. I asked a colleague, Randy Koppang, to see if he could get a hold of this document. He contacted the Edwards AFB library. The librarian informed Randy that the report was removed from the library and was not available to the public. According to Bill Jenkins who hosted the Open Mind talk-radio show a few years ago, there was a secret showing of our own antigravity aircraft at Norton AFB on November 12, 1988. Norton was also home to the Air Force's Audio-Visual Division for the investigation of crashed aircraft (or UFOs). A flying saucer was put on display in a guarded hangar. The electro-gravity engine in the craft was built by GE Aerospace and the composite skin structure supposedly made by AMOCO. Was this craft a result of back-engineering of alien spacecraft? By now most Ufologists have heard the story told by the controversial Bob Lazar concerning his work at S4 on the Sports Model. He described a high voltage glow around the craft and the use of gravity waves to propel it. It almost sounds like a reprise of the Mechanix Illustrated article from 1957. Skeptical scientists do not think Lazar is a physicists as he professes, but stop short of saying that he has fabricated his detailed story of S4. In actual fact, others have talked about the S4 site in hushed tones. I have now talked with two other saucer scientists who have worked on alien technology and have confirmed the S4 site and the Sports Model. Some will say that they are fabricating based on previous revelations and that all of it is nonsense. There are still researchers who believe that witnesses have only seen advanced technology aircraft, remote-controlled vehicles, lifting bodies, hoaxes by engineers having fun, and other such paraphernalia at the borders of Dreamland in the Nevada desert. Yet, witnesses describe classic UFO phenomena with all the fantastic aerobatics attributed to them. A friend of mine met Charlie in a photocopy shop in the summer of 94. Charlie was contacting OMNI magazine about their article on the UFO coverup. I met Charlie later after writing a letter to him that he never received. Instead, I received a reply from a veteran's organization that warned me not to contact Charlie anymore. According to the letter of reply the subject of UFOs was classified permanently. It also stated that UFOs and aliens should be the responsibility of the military and that civilians had no business delving into military secrets. Nevertheless, Charlie contacted me later through our local MUFON group. Charlie had been in the Marines and aboard the U.S.S. Oriskany aircraft carrier in 1958 during the early Vietnam era. His father was a commander in the navy and was stationed with the Pentagon's Research and Development Board. His father had been with President Eisenhower at Edwards AFB in 1954 when an extraterrestrial spacecraft had landed. The base had already been renamed Edwards at the time of the occurrence and was no longer known as Muroc (Corum spelled backwards after one of the early families who settled in the Mojave Desert). Charlie said the aliens at Edwards were human types with flaxen hair and pale blue eyes. Charlie's first experience occurred when he was assigned to a special operations team that retrieved a crashed disk in Vietnam and stowed aboard the aircraft carrier. According to Charlie, this disk was 10 meters in diameter and lighter than a Volkswagon. It had a crew of two aliens. The recovery team transported the disc back to the Oriskany where it was stored on the flight deck between mattresses that were used to cushion the craft on deck. A tarpaulin was thrown over the disc and when the Oriskany put into port in San Francisco, the cover story told by the Captain was that a special water tank was being brought in for maintenance and the tarpaulin was used to protect it from storms at sea. Charlie referred to this disc as the IRC-10. IRC is an abbreviation for Instellar Reconnaissance Craft. Charlie refers to the Sports Model as an IRC-16 because it is 16 meters in diameter. It is not known whether these metrics are exact. Charlie explains that not all UFOs or discs are from another planet. Some are from a parallel world. These parallel worlds exist in another time dimension. It's as if our universe runs on the beat on one clock and another on the beat of another clock. Normally, the two are out of phase and there is no interaction between universes, but, occasionally, there are locations where the two universes synchro-phase and a portal opens up between the two allowing passage from one to another. Many discs originate from another dimension and use a transpatial field resonator to bridge the gap between their universe and ours. The aliens project their thoughts into a thought amplifier plate that carries signals to the avionics controls via optical fibers. Another saucer scientist, Bill Uhouse of Las Vegas, says that he designed flight simulators for our pilots because our pilots had difficulty controlling the aliens' avionics. Bill worked at Los Alamos in conjunction with an alien scientist on designing a simulator using our own avionics technology. Bill said that General Electric built the antigravity engines for U.S. discs and Westinghouse provided the nuclear reactors to power the engines. I asked him if he knew any reason why U.S. discs could not fly in space and he replied that he thought they could. Bill was a Mechanical Design Engineer when he was recruited for this highly secure position. Today, he is retired and talking about his work openly with the permission of his security guardians. Perhaps they would like some of the story told. In 1993 I met an electronics engineer by the name of Vince. Vince and his wife were having alien encounters. Vince felt like he was receiving technical information from the aliens. I gave him some material to read on the Brown effect. Soon he started to build a rig to test the concept of electrogravity. I assisted him as much as I could. Our idea was to provide external power to light-weight aluminum models. Vince designed a high-voltage power supply that he described as a variable-parameter that consisted of a current pulse-modulated by bi-polar transistors and variable-switched capacitor banks for tuning. This pulse-modulated 12-volt current is fed into an auto ignition coil to raise it to a high voltage. Leads connected the power supply to a dielectric aluminum levitator for testing the effects of varying the voltage and frequency parameters. An oscilloscope was connected to the rig. Vince claimed that he turned on the unit one night in his garage and the levitator jumped off the workbench and wobbled in the air at which point he reached out to grab it, burning his hand, and shorting out the coil. He planned to rebuild it when the Northridge quake came along and destroyed most of his equipment. He never returned to this project, but we obtained some interesting insights from these experiments and may continue them at some future date. An English inventor named John R. Searl built levity discs as early as 1951. The Searl Effect Generator consists of a number of magnetic rollers in the form of cylinders that rotate around a magnetic annulus. These rollers generate extremely high voltages which decouples the whole assembly from gravitational and inertial forces. Each roller is a composite of 4 components: titanium; iron; nylon; and neodymium. He also uses aluminum, silicon, and sulphur in the magnetic rings and rollers. Searl is now in the United States working with a man named John A. Thomas in New York to rebuild the levity discs. Contactee Howard Menger claims to have built a craft with an electro-dynamic propulsion system in 1951 called the HMX1 by experimenting with information given to him by space visitors. Today, in Florida, he is constructing small models with specially designed coils and capacitors that demonstrate electrogravitic effects. Even some Aerospace engineers have presented papers on anti-gravitic propulsion devices and some have gone so far as to patent some of their ideas. F. E. Alzofon presented a paper on anti-gravity with present technology to a Joint Propulsion Conference in Colorado Springs in 1981. The abstract from his paper says that he proposes a method for decreasing (or increasing) the gravitational force on a vehicle, using presently-known technology and various ways of utilizing this effect for vehicle propulsion. An earlier report on Electrohydrodynamics was given on June 30, 1967 which describes the use of electrostatic fields creating hydrostatic pressure in a dielectric medium. This form of electrohydrodynamics proposes an aero-marine vehicle that generates toroidal vortices for lift. For those who wish to become diehard experimentalists I recommend the Electric Spacecraft Journal published from 73 Sunlight Drive, Leicester, N.C. 28748 by Charles Yost. The publishers of this journal have access and publish all the known data on electrogravitics. Members performing relevant experiments publish articles in the journal. Not all the work in this important field of research is being conducted in government labs. We must re-examine the physical properties of space itself if we are to understand the relation between electromagnetic and gravitational forces. We must also re-examine our concept of time. It is possible that time is more than one-dimensional. This also will be cause for us to contemplate wondrous possibilities. Can different moments of time be revisited? The announcement that two physicists, Ed Witten, and Nathan Seiberg have simplified the study of the fourth dimension deserves plaudits and admiration. However, there is little recognition for scientific viewpoints that differ from the reigning paradigm. It is generally acknowledged that space seems to curve into an unseen fourth dimension according to Einstein's General Theory. This curvature is a kind of macro curvature impressed on space by physical bodies. Thus, it is argued that the gravity force we sense is actually our tendency to follow a curved path in space-time. However, geometry does not explain how how acceleration and gravity causes bodies to accelerate. Perhaps curvature could explain the path an object traces through space, but how does it explain increasing acceleration as when rocks fall on earth? There are alternative theories of gravity and perhaps one day a more rational theory of gravity will be considered which may explain the so-called missing matter in the universe as well as why high-voltage potentials reduce gravity. And what of the aliens? We have only discussed the physical technology of UFOs up to this point. What of the alien biology and anthropology? Charlie says that some of the Grays are synthetic lifeforms and undergo transdermal osmotic dyalsis on a regular schedule. In other words, they undergo a process whereby the excrete effluents and absorb nutrients through their skin in a pressure chamber. If these Grays are synthetics, then what beings synthesized them? The existence of alien discs in our possession or the revelation that we are constructing similar craft is going to raise a lot of eyebrows. Today, we are not only constructing secret aircraft, but secret spacecraft, or even secret timecraft. Our technology may actually be leapfrogging us into the undiscovered country, the future. That future may already exist in some variation on some distant worlds in space. References: (1) The Flying Saucer Conspiracy (1955) by Donald E. Keyhoe (2) UFO Crash/Retrievals: Search for Proof in a Hall of Mirrors Status Report VII (1994) by Leonard H. Stringfield (3) UFO Crash at Aztec (1986) by William S. Steinman and Wendelle C. Stevens Excerpted from the book Alien Magic © 1996, 2000 by William F. Hamilton III